
I am an independent consultant, trainer, coach, and advisor on sustainable evolution of sociotechnical evolution, architecture, and leadership. I have a solid academic background (Ph.D. in Computer Science). I also have hands-on experience designing and building software-based products and the organizations and teams behind them.
Since 2005 I have done a wide range of things. I have been a university researcher and teacher; consultant; trainer; tech lead; engineer, and architect of software products. I spent three years working on my startup as founder, CEO, lead engineer, and consultant. From 2017 to 2022, I was a Principal Tech Lead at bol.com, the biggest online retailer in the Netherlands and Belgium. There I led and participated in multiple vital initiatives, such as the transformation of data science from a central department into a “discipline”; transformation into a product-led organization (35+ products, 160+ product teams); and kickstarting and leading the Tech Leads Network - a network of 35+ Tech Leads in and across all the different products in the organizations).
Currently, I am working as an independent consultant. My mission is to help tech-enabled organizations achieve a sustainable fast flow of value & change. I take a sociotechnical framing, i.e., a co-evolution of teams/org and technical systems - driven by customers, environment, and business goals. I coach, train, advise and consult with organizations to help them understand, orient, and shape options and ways to navigate and “skill up” in these topics. I use different methods and techniques to do this. For example, Team Topologies (for which I am a Valued Practitioner - TTVP), Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Wardley Mapping, and Product Thinking, among other things. I research, write, and often give talks on these topics (find more information on esilva.net).
I am originally from Portugal but now live in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Short Bio
Eduardo da Silva is an independent consultant in sustainable evolution of sociotechnical systems, architecture, and leadership. He also is a Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP). His work focuses on helping tech-enabled organizations find strategies, structures, and operating models to achieve and scale a sustainable fast flow of value & change. He takes a sociotechnical systems’ framing, considering org/people, technical, product (customer and environment), and business perspectives. He regularly speaks at events and writes about these topics at esilva.net
Since 2005 he has been an academic researcher, entrepreneur (founder of a startup), software engineer/architect, and consultant in multiple companies (from startups to scale-ups). From 2017 to 2022, he was a principal tech lead and sociotechnical architect for the largest online retailer in The Netherlands and Belgium (bol.com). He worked on various technical and organizational challenges to scale this product-led organization from 70 to 150+ teams.
Eduardo has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Twente, Netherlands. He is originally from Portugal but now lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
📥 Contacts
Feel free to reach out for any inquiries on my work and possible collaborations. Check my consulting page for all details about the topics and services I can offer.
- Email: eduardo@esilva.net
- Free 30 minutes check-in: book 30 minutes to check possible ways to collaborate
- Twitter: @emgsilva (you can Direct Message (DM) me on Twitter)
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emgsilva